Minimum Requirements
- Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree or are enrolled in any STEM or Arts degree program that will result in at least a Bachelor’s degree before or during the competition (i.e. engineering, biology, mathematics, etc.)
- Must be physically fit for space and able to pass a physical exam
- Must obtain Scuba Certification prior to start of competition
- Must be able to lift 30 lbs
- Must complete at least three years of work related experience in chosen field of study before or during the competition (part-time is acceptable)
- Must be free from any disease, psychiatric disorders, dependency on drugs, alcohol or tobacco
- Must have the normal range of motion and functionality in all joints
- Must have visual acuity in both eyes of 100% (20/20) either uncorrected or corrected with lenses or contact lenses
- Must demonstrate cognitive, mental and personality capabilities to enable him/her to work efficiently in an intellectually and socially highly demanding environment
- Must be at least 18 years of age